The big trip

 The idea behind this travel diary is to share our journey with all of the people who have helped us and encouraged us over the past year or so. At times, you have all been much more excited than us about this trip. You have helped us to plan, in practical and spiritual ways for the road ahead and we are finally embarking on the opportunity of a lifetime.

May I also excuse the crudeness of this blog. It ain’t gonna be pretty, or well edited with good media extras and well thoughg out links and menus. I am adding to this blog on a mobile phone, on the move. Sometimes I may not have any internet connection and may have to skip a post so bear with me……its all part of the trip!

What is the trip?

We plan to travel, by car, around Europe with our five children whom we homeschool for 5-6 weeks covering four countries and over 3000 miles. No small feat! The journey begins.

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