Oats, Glorious Oats!

The weather is glorious – we schooled outside on the lawn today.


It’s funny to think that the whole country is homeschooling at the moment. I’m sure having to follow the school guidelines for curriculum won’t be as much fun as what we do each day – but I hope that the time people spend together as a family will be cherished. School has carried on much the same since isolation, much to the children’s disappointment!

Isolation has given us plenty of opportunities to talk about history and how this compares. We thank God daily,  that we are safe and that He would bless those who suffer.  Funnily enough we began our bible story book again (third time now) and today was after Noah’s Ark, when the world was well and new again and Noah and his family came out of isolation and thanked God for keeping them safe!


Later today we had a very exciting delivery…….


Don’t know if it’s national but porridge has been sold out for two weeks now. And we LOVE porridge – and we eat a lot of it! Also, us adults gave up bread for lent, so all we eat for breakfast at the moment is porridge. I ordered this last week and it wasn’t going to arrive until mid April – but here it is – Thankyou Lord!

As soon as the supermarket shelves started to empty, we began to dig, dig, dig – so after school our afternoon mostly consists of gardening , planting and watering.
We have some great seeds and trays but not much compost so we are working on where to get some. We don’t leave the house at all unless it is for food and we REALLY need it. We have been this way for three weeks now.

Drainpipe Peas

We are incredibly blessed to have space to grow food at the moment but I will also share a few really great ideas for small space food growing. There are a few great ideas that might help through the next few months to provide a few salad green and spring onions.

By lunchtime Albert was pretty tired after all that watering and we found him curled up on the floor asleep!


Our First Pea Shoot

We were saying today that despite the world being in such uncertainty and chaos, God has given us such great weather! Imagine if it was cold January storms or December drizzle. It’s good to find the blessings in each day.

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